1. Overall info

The Third edition of International Music Academy FORTE for young musicians will take place in Brussels on July 7-13th, 2024 and will end with a Gala concert on July 13th, 2024.

The International Festival Music Academy FORTE is open for musicians of 8-25 y.o., players of piano, violin, viola, cello, flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, guitar, and vocal (singing).

2. Important deadlines

2.1. May 10th, 2024  – deadline for application for participation at the master classes                

For registration you need to fill out an online application form. (Online Registration Form for the master classes will be available soon)

When filling out the online form, you will need to:

  • attach a scan of an artistic photo of the participant (in jpeg format)
  • attach a passport or participant ID scan (in jpeg format)
  • attach a YouTube link with a recent performance of participant (free program max 10 min)
  • pay 50 euros as a registration fee (payment by credit card, not refundable).

While filling out the application form, you must indicate your choice of the mode of accommodation: Internat or Externat:

  • Internat: choose if you would like to sleep at academy premises during the entire duration of the event. In this case, you will get a bed in a shared room (4 children). Additional costs of 300 euros for the entire period applies.
  • Externat: choose if you would like to be present at the academy from 08:30 till  22:00 depending on the planning and sleep elsewhere (Attention! The leaving hours will be later on the days when you participate in concerts or competition). With Externat option no extra costs apply.

2.2. May 5th, 2024 – selected candidates will receive confirmation and requests for payment of remaining amounts:

  • 600 euro players of piano, violin, viola, cello, flute
  • 450 euro players of guitar, trumpet, bassoon, oboe and singers
  • 300 euro for hostel for the participants, who choose Internat option

2.3. May 8th 2024 – Remaining fees need to be paid 

3. Total costs of Participation in the International Music Academy FORTE

  • Piano, violin, viola, cello, flute: 650 euro
  • Guitar, trumpet, bassoon, oboe and singers: 500 euro

Refund policy

In case of cancellation:

  • before May 20th 2024 /participation fees/ Piano, violin, viola, cello, flute: 500 Euros will be refunded
  • before May 20th 2024 /participation fees/ guitar, trumpet, bassoon, oboe and singers: 350 Euros will be refunded
  • after May 21st 2024   : participation fees will not be refunded 
  • after May 10th 2024   : Internaut fees will not be refunded 

During Force Majeure Events (such as entrance are banned by law, border closure etc.) refund is possible.

4. Each participant will get the following masterclasses

  • Individual lessons: 3 x 45min
  • Chamber music lessons: 10 x 45min
  • Orchestra rehearsals for string instruments: 5-7 x 1h45min
  • Extra rehearsals for piano, guitar, trumpet, bassoon, oboe and singers

Additional activities included in the price

July 5-6th, 2024Full dayCompetition “Music Academy FORTE” /extra inscription/
Saturday, July 6th, 202418:00Concert of winners of the competition
Sunday, July 7th, 202419:00 – 21:00Concert Class Masters “Welcome!”
Monday, July 8th, 202419:00 – 21:00DISCO for all participants
Tuesday, July 9th, 202419:00 – 21:30Solo & Orchestra concert
Wednesday, July 10th, 202419:00 – 21:30Solo & Orchestra concert
Thursday, July 11th, 202412:00 – 13:00 Concert organised by MUSICORUM (Museum Beau-Arts)
Thursday, July 11th, 202419:00-22:00Chamber Music & Orchestra concert
Friday, July 12th, 202418:30 – 22:00Chamber Music & Orchestra concert
Saturday, July 13th, 202418:00 – 22:00GALA concert of participants and reception
Sunday, July 14th, 202409:30 – 12:00  Walking excursion in Brussels (optional for participants)

The costs also cover:

  • Meals (lunch&diner)
  • Professional photos
  • Professional video recording during the concerts and competition
  • Excursions in the area
  • Sport facilities 
  • Rooms for practicing
  • Costs for supervision and day care for minor participants
  • Extra activities for young musicians

5. Planning of a typical day

  • Each day at 08h30: all participants check in at school
  • Each day: when the day completely finished (after the concert, competition etc, it’s around 22h00): participants can leave the school
07h45-08h00Breakfast (only for Internaut stay option)
08h30All participants check in at the Masterclasses venue
09h00-13h30Private / chamber music lessons
14h15-15h45Private / chamber music lessons
16h00-17h45Orchestra rehearsals
16h00-17h45Private guitar, trumpet, singing lessons/practice time
19h00-22h00Different concerts

6. Scholarships for Masterclasses FORTE 2025:

Scholarships might be considered by administration based on results of Music Competition FORTE 2024.

7. Insurance

Each participant is responsible for personal medical insurance, accident risk and personal belongings including insurance of his/her instrument. All insurance must be prepaid and copies of the contracts must be submitted to Summer Music Academy FORTE  by the beginning of the course.

8. Parents

Our staff will welcome all participants of younger ages. They make sure that they go to bed on time and eat properly.

Students will have some free time in between their lessons, concerts, excursions… but stay all together during their free time in order to be able to build new relationships and find new friends.

We encourage parents to attend the students’ concerts and festival concerts but they are not admitted to enter chamber music, individual lessons or orchestra rehearsals.

For the same reasons, parents are not allowed to enter the school area during masterclass period except for a concerts and competition.

9. Additional Information

  • Chamber music: music of the different chamber music ensembles will be sent to the participants by e-mail during month of Mai.
  • SOLO: participants must prepare two complete pieces by different composers in advance of the course for SOLO lessons. 

After inscription for the participation in the masterclasses, the candidate can indicate his/her preference for competition or solo concert for SOLO program. The deadline for changes is May 31st 2024. No changes will be accepted after the deadline.

  • Accompanist: Solo lessons of flute, violin, cello will be done without accompanist. The accompanist will attend one rehearsal before the competition or concert. Rehearsal duration: 15 min – 30 min, depending on the age and program

For all participants: no music of Russian composers can be performed during the competition & masterclasses

IMPORTANT : The organiser will take the choice of teachers into account mentioned during the registration. However, the final decision on whose class you will end up in belongs to the organiser. No disputes are possible. Music Academy Forte guarantees the high level of each professor.

10. Responsibilities

The administration of the academy does not bear any responsibility for the children who must move to the academy premises before the beginning of the master classes (9:00am, July 7th, 2024) or after the end of the academy classes (22:00 on the day of the Gala Concert (July 13th, 2024).
All responsibility beyond the hours/dates of the masterclasses rests solely with the parents.

11. Videos and Recordings

The public is prohibited from photographing or filming during the performances. The organizer of the Masterclass and the Competition has the right to take and reproduce photographs, video and sound recordings, as well as broadcasts on radio and TV channels. The International Festival Music Academy FORTE reserves the right, without payment of fees, to make and distribute recordings for media and other purposes, including the Internet, and to televise, broadcast, record, film, photograph or live stream all stages of the masterclass and competition, all award ceremonies and concerts.

12. Important Statement

International Festival “Music Academy Forte” 

for Youth supports Ukraine


International Festival “Music Academy Forte” strongly condemns Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war against Ukraine. In addition, he condemns the participation of Belarus in Russia’s military aggression.

Having decided to take part in this festival (competition, masterclasses, concerts), each participant signs these words and confirms his negative attitude towards the politics of the Russian Federation and thereby supports Ukraine in the struggle for the freedom and independence of the nation.

If the participant has the citizenship of the Russian Federation or Belarus, the participant undertakes to speak under a neutral flag and not to declare himself as a representative of the aggressor country.