WHAT? One round Competition for

  • Piano, Guitar
  • Vocal: Classical and Contemporary
  • Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass
  • Woodwinds:  Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon
  • Brass: Trumpet, French horn, Trombone, Tuba

WHEN AND HOW? 2 options for you to participate in the competition

  • ONLINE: July 5th, 2024 (through video recordings)
  • ON PREMISES: July 6th, 2024 @ Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Brussels. Belgium

ONLINE participants will receive their diplomas and prizes online.

ON PREMISE participants will receive their diplomas and prizes at the Gala concert of the winners that takes place on July 6th at 18:00.

WHO? Categories of participants

  • Category Debutant: 6 – 8 yo
  • Category A:   9 – 11 yo
  • Category B:  12 – 14 yo
  • Category C:  15 – 17 yo
  • Category D:  18 – 20 yo
  • Category E:   21 – 25 yo                                                   

PRIZES: Grand Prizes + 1-2-3 prizes (diplomas) + Special prizes:

  • Participation in festival “MUSICORUM” 2024&2025 in Brussels & in the concerts of ”CAMERATA BRIMA ”
  • Participation in “La Chapelle Sauvage” & CAMERATA BRIMA 2024&2025 (as part of the orchestra or solo with orchestra)
  • Participation in a set of concerts organised  by Royal Library of Belgium 2024&2025
  • Bon for participation in Summer MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE 2025 www.musicacademy.be
  • Participation at the GALA of the competition MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE (some 1st prize winners)
  • Participation at private concerts in Brussels in 2024/2025

Others special prizes from: “Maison Bernard” , “Point d’Orque” , “Azzato” , MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE …



No music of Russian composers can be performed during the competition.

The program at the pre-selection round and Competition may be repeated.

Program for pre-selection: free choice

Program duration

  • Category Debutant: maximum 5 min
  • Category A: maximum 5-7 min 
  • Category B: maximum 7-9 min 
  • Category C: maximum 10 -12 min 
  • Category D: maximum  13-15 min 
  • Category E: maximum 15-17 min 
Program for the main competition (both for online and on premise options)
  • Category Debutant: free choice
  • Category A-E:
      • Piano, Guitar: one virtuosic study/piece + work(s) of a free choice
      • Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass: one virtuosic study/piece OR caprice + work(s) of a free choice
      • Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon: one virtuosic piece  + cantilena work(s) of a free choice
      • Trumpet, French horn, Trombone, Tuba: one virtuosic piece  + cantilena work(s) of a free choice
      • Singing classic: folk song of the country of the participant & free choice of ancient aria or romance
      • Singing contemporary: one international song + one song of the country of the participant

Program duration

  • Category Debutant: program  5 – 7 min
  • Category A: program  5 – 10 min
  • Category B: program  10 – 12 min
  • Category C: program  15 – 17 min 
  • Category D: program 20 – 22 min
  • Category E: program 25 – 27 min     



Both participation options will begin with online pre-selection phase. 

1. Inscription for the pre-selection phase

All participants of the competition need to complete ONLINE application form and pay 25 euros* as registration fee (with a credit card).

Copy of passport and video links to recent performance will need to be attached to the registration document.  

*Registration fees are NOT refundable.

In order to support and encourage young musicians from Ukraine during this difficult time, we have decided to waive the participation fee for the main competition for all Ukrainian musicians who managed to pass through the pre-selection phase. In short, for Ukrainian participants, they only need to pay the pre-selection registration fee to take part in the competition. 


KEY DEADLINE: before May 15th, 2024.

2. Inscription for the main competition

Selected candidates will be informed by the administration of the competition by May 17th, 2024.

Selected candidates will need to:

  • Complete final registration with the online form
  • Attach artistic foto of the participant + copy of passports for visa support
  • Attach the scores for accompanist (if accompanist is needed)
  • Pay the rest of fees* for the participation at the competition:
      • Category Debutant: 25 euro
      • Category A: 35 euro
      • Category B: 45 euro
      • Category C: 55 euro
      • Category D: 65 euro
      • Category E: 75 euro

*Registration fees are NOT refundable.

No extra documents, no changes of the program after submit to the participation are accepted. In case of the list of the documents is not completed administration are right don’t accept the participation.

KEY DEADLINE: May 20st, 2024.


  1. One video link to all pieces
  2. Each piece must be recorded in a single take and without any editing of the audio or video. 
  3. Cuts between movements of the same piece are not permitted. 
  4. The camera must be fixed and placed in front of the musician with clear visibility of the hands and body.
  5. Only video recordings on Grand Pianos or Upright Pianos are allowed.
  6. The video recording must not be older than two years .
  7. The video recording must have a reasonable video and audio quality (at least 720p) with no background noise.
  8. Participants who do not respect the rules will be disqualified.

Conditions for Accompanists:

After preselection if you’ve been accepted and in case you are unable to provide your own piano accompanist for yourself, it is possible to contact to our accompanist. Each participant who needs accompanist will receive information about that at the moment of finale registration. Participant is welcome to make the arrangements with accompanist in advance in order to avoid complications.

Tax for the participant has to be paid directly to the accompanist in cash before the first rehearsal. Official document can be provided if needed. Tax for the participant : 50 Euro category debutants, 70 Euro category A, 100 Euro categories B, C, D. The tax includes: 

  • our home practising of your repertoire before the competition
  • 1 rehearsal 30 min for cat debutants, A
  • 1 rehearsal 45 min for cat B, C, D,E
  • performances and concert of winners (if participant has to perform).

Accompanists : Myrto Sifaki, Cansu Sanlidag, Silviu Dumitrache

Videos and Recordings

The public is prohibited from photographing or filming during the performances. The organizer of the Masterclass and the Competition has the right to take and reproduce photographs, video and sound recordings, as well as broadcasts on radio and TV channels. The International Festival Music Academy FORTE reserves the right, without payment of fees, to make and distribute recordings for media and other purposes, including the Internet, and to televise, broadcast, record, film, photograph or live stream all stages of the masterclass and competition, all award ceremonies and concerts.

About Jury

The jury will be composed of renowned musicians.

The decisions of the jury are final and without appeal.
The final score is the sum of the average of the scores of all the jury members on the scale of 100 cents.
– First ABSOLUTE prize: 100 cents
– First prize: from 95 to 99 cents
– Second prize: from 90 to 94 cents
– Third prize: from 85 to 89 cents
Participation diploma: to all other participants



All works must be performed by heart without partitions EXCEPT modern/new music composed after 1900. Please download and read the rules and regulations below: