Program 2025

International Competitions (Online OR On-Premises)

Concerts of Competition Winners

Welcome Concert 2025

Concert Solo and Orchestra

Concert Chamber Music & Orchestra

GALA Concert 2025

International Competitions (Online OR On-Premises)
Friday - Saturday, 04-05.07.2025

Concerts of Competition Winners
Fri & Sat, 04-05.07.2025 | 18:30

Welcome Concert 2025
SUN | 06.07.2025 | 18:30
The International Festival & Masterclasses & Competition Music Academy FORTE 2025 and its team are pleased to invite you to the welcome concert of the masters on Sunday July 6th, 2025 at 6:30 pm at the Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege.
Welcome Concert
Performances by Professors of the Music Academy FORTE 2025: to be announced
Venue: Chapelle de la Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4, 1000 Brussel.
Time: Sunday 6th July 2025, 18:30.
Ticket Price:
- Adults (>18 years): 40 euros
- From 65 years and above: 30 euros
- Young adults (13-18 years): 20 Euros
- Children (8-12 years): 10 Euros
children under 8 is not allowed at the concert

Concert Solo and Orchestra
TUE & WED | 08-09.07.2025 | 18:30
The participants of FORTE 2025 Music Academy will perform in these 2-day concerts to showcase the results after working intensively with the great masters during the academy. The works perform today are selected carefully and tailored to the growth of the young musicians. Come and witness the birth of the future generation of great music masters!
Date: 8th & 9th July 2025
Time: 18:30
Venue: Chapelle de la Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4,1000 Brussel
Price: 10 euros per concert

Concert Chamber Music & Orchestra
THU & FRI | 10-11.07.2025 | 18:30
The participants of the FORTE 2025 Music Academy proudly present to you a series of chamber music pieces carefully selected for the special events. Through these pieces, a musical bond between young musicians from all around the world was born. Guided by the renowned music masters, the young musicians present to you their enthusiasm for music and for humanity.
The concert will be concluded by the performance of the Académie Orchestra. More details will be announced soon!
Date: 10th & 11th July 2025
Time: 18:30
Venue: Chapelle de la Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4,1000 Brussel
Ticket Prices: 10 euros per concert

GALA Concert 2025
Saturday, 12.07.2025 | 18:00
Welcome to the Gala Concert of the International Festival Masterclasses | Competition | Concerts Music Academy FORTE 2025! This concert is organised under the patronage of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union. Young talented musicians (8-25 years old) from all around the world gathered in Brussels and they are going to bring you a wonderful selection of chamber music and orchestra pieces in this final concert of the annual festival! This concert will be presented to you by the participants of the International Music Academy FORTE 2025 Masterclasses. It highlights the results of the intensive lessons (masterclasses), rehearsals, cultural exchange during the one week festival! Come join us!
Venue: to be announced
Date: Saturday, 12th July 2025
Time: 18:00
Ticket Prices:
- Adults (>18 years): 60 euros
- From 65 years and above: 50 euros
- Young adults (13-18 years): 20 Euros
- Children (8-12 years): 10 Euros
- Children <8 years old are not allowed at the Gala Concert
Info & Ticketing: CLICK | | +32 496 48 87 80
Program 2024
Check our full festival brochure -> HERE
Below you will find detailed descriptions of each event:

International Competition

Concert Competition Winners

Welcome Concert 2024

Concert Solo and Orchestra

Concert MUSICORUM festival

Concert Chamber Music & Orchestra

GALA Concert 2024

International Competition
Friday - Saturday, 05-06.07.2024

Concert Competition Winners
Saturday, 06.07.2024 | 18:00

Welcome Concert 2024
SUN | 07.07.2024 | 19:00
The International Festival & Masterclasses & Competition Music Academy FORTE 2024 and its team are pleased to invite you to the welcome concert of the masters on Sunday July 7th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege.
Welcome Concert
Performances by Professors of the Music Academy FORTE 2024: Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden (piano), Daniel Blumenthal, (piano), Yurii Kot (piano), Valeriy Sokolov (violin), Oleksiy Shadrin (cello), Yannick van de Velde (piano), Erik Sluys (violin), Katsura Mizumoto (piano), Pierre Fontenelle (cello), Sabine Conzen (soprano), Çağıl Cansu Şanlıdağ (piano).
Venue: Chapelle de la Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4, 1000 Brussel.
Time: Sunday 7th July 2024, 19:00.
Ticket Price: Adults: 40 euros | Children 8 to 12 years old: free
children under 8 is not allowed at the concert

Concert Solo and Orchestra
TUE & WED | 09-10.07.2024 | 19:00
The participants of FORTE 2024 Music Academy will perform in these 2-day concerts to showcase the results after working intensively with the great masters during the academy. The works perform today are selected carefully and tailored to the growth of the young musicians. Come and witness the birth of the future generation of great music masters!
Date: 9th & 10th July 2024
Time: 19:00
Venue: Chapelle de la Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4,1000 Brussel
Price: 10 euros per concert

Concert MUSICORUM festival
Thursday, 11.07.2024 | 12:00

Concert Chamber Music & Orchestra
THU & FRI | 11-12.07.2024 | 18:30
The participants of the FORTE 2024 Music Academy proudly present to you a series of chamber music pieces carefully selected for the special events. Through these pieces, a musical bond between young musicians from all around the world was born. Guided by the renowned music masters, the young musicians present to you their enthusiasm for music and for humanity.
The concert will be concluded by the performance of the Académie Orchestra. More details will be announced soon!
Date: 11th & 12th July 2024
Time: 18:30
Venue: Chapelle de la Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4,1000 Brussel
Ticket Prices: 10 euros per concert

GALA Concert 2024
Saturday, 13.07.2023 | 18:00
Welcome to the Gala Concert of the International Festival Masterclasses | Competition | Concerts Music Academy FORTE 2024! This concert is organised under the patronage of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union. Young talented musicians (8-25 years old) from all around the world gathered in Brussels and they are going to bring you a wonderful selection of chamber music and orchestra pieces in this final concert of the annual festival! This concert will be presented to you by the participants of the International Music Academy FORTE 2024 Masterclasses. It highlights the results of the intensive lessons (masterclasses), rehearsals, cultural exchange during the one week festival! Come join us!
Venue: Studio 1, Flagey (Place Sainte-Croix, 1050, Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium)
Date: Saturday, 13th July 2024
Time: 18:00
Ticket Prices:
- Adults (>18 years): 60 euros
- Young adults (13-18 years): 20 Euros
- Children (8-12 years): 10 Euros
- Children <8 years old are not allowed at the Gala Concert
Info & Ticketing: CLICK | | +32 496 48 87 80
Program 2023

Gala concert Academy FORTE

Concert Chamber Music & Orchestra

Concert with MUSICORUM festival

Concert Solo & Orchestra

Concert of the Masters

Concert the talents of Ukraine

Teachers’concert: welcome!

Concert of the winners Competition FORTE

Competition Music Academy FORTE

Gala concert Academy FORTE
Sunday, 16.07.2023 | 12.00
The Summer Music Academy FORTE and its team are pleased to invite you to the FORTE Gala Concert. Come and admire the young talents of this 2023 edition! During one week, our young participants have taken part in masterclasses given by teachers from all over the world, and they are ready to impress you! The event will take place under the patronage of the Greek Embassy in Belgium and will be followed by a reception.
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4, 1000 Brussel
Time: Sunday 16th July, 12:00.
Program: chamber music and solo works by classical and contemporary composers

Concert Chamber Music & Orchestra
14-15. 07.2023 | 18:30
The concert will be performed by the participants of Music Academy FORTE 2023.
Several pieces of chamber music will be performed, on which the young musicians had worked with the classmasters during the 2023 Academy days.
The concert will be concluded by the Academy Orchestra.
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4, 1000 Brussel
Program: works by classical and contemporary composers

Concert with MUSICORUM festival
Thursday, 13.07.2023 | 12:00
Selected musicians from Sumer Academy FORTE Competition.
Concert organised by MUSICORUM festival.
Place: Royal Museum, Rue de la Régence 3, 1000 Bruxelles
Participants: Winners of the FORTE competition.
Reservation: to be announced

Concert Solo & Orchestra
12-13.07.2023 | 19.00-21:30
The concerts will be attended by the participants of Music Academy FORTE 2023.
Each will perform one solo piece on which the young musicians had the opportunity to work with the masters during the 2023 academy.
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4,1000 Brussel
Program: works by classical and contemporary composers

Concert of the Masters
Tuesday 11.07.2023 | 19:00
The Summer Music Academy FORTE and its team are pleased to invite you to the concert of the masters on Tuesday July 11th, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege. One violin (Valeriy Sokolov), one cello (Oleksiy Shadrin) one piano (Yannick Van de Velde) and two voices (Olga Artemenko and Anastasia Varga), international first-class masters, ready to blow your mind. A truly unique event, don’t miss it!
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4, 1000 Brussel
Time: Tuesday 11th July, 19:00.
Program: chamber music and solo works by classical and contemporary composers

Concert the talents of Ukraine
Monday, 10.07.2023 | 19:00
Ukraine's talents are still shining bright.
Despite the war, Ukrainian talent continues to shine and to fight for peace and a fair world. Come and discover our young Ukrainian musicians, who are taking part in our summer masterclasses. They will be giving a charity concert to raise funds to help talented young people continue their musical education despite the raging war. Piano, violin, cello... These young musicians, aged up to 25, will amaze you. War will not stop them from shining on stage.
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege, 4 Usulinenstraat, 1000 Brussels
Time: Sunday 10th July, 19:00.
Participants: Ukrainian participants of the Summer Music Academy FORTE, festivals & Masterclasses
Program: classic and contemporary composers

Teachers’concert: welcome!
Sunday, 09.07.2023 | 19:00
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4,1000 Brussel
Participants: Jean-Claude Vanden Eyden, Daniel Blumental, Yannick van de Velde, Isabelle Bialek, Barbara Ferraz, Ana Santisteban, Nataliya Chepurenko, Tine Janssens Jin Han, Sergio Agreda de Ro, Liudmila Harbuza, Steven Caeyers...
Program: works by classical and contemporary composers
Time: Sunday 9th July, 19:00.

Concert of the winners Competition FORTE
Saturday 08.07.2023 | 18:00
Place: Chapel of Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Ursulinenstraat 4, 1000 Brussel
Time: Saturday 8th July, 18:00.
Program: classical music performances

Competition Music Academy FORTE
Saturday, 08.07.2023 | from 09:00
One round Competition for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute – open only for participants of the masterclasses Summer Music Academy FORTE.
Maximum 40 participants after pre-selection.
Prizes: 1-2-3 prizes (diplomas) + Special prizes