Professor of flute at Tchaikovsky Music School (Brussels). Master in Modern and Baroque Flute. Collaborates with La petite Bande, B’Rock Orchestra, L’Arpeggiata… Plays with Die Kölner Akademie and Collegium Vocale Gent Academy.
Has been member of academies such as Ensemble Academy Freiburg (2018), the Ton Koopman Academy (2020) and Collegium Vocale Gent Academy (2020).
Awarded with the first price on” Programa Arte Joven” in 2008 (Castilla y León, Spain), she was member of youth orchestras such as Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie (Germany) and Youth Orchestra of Castilla y León (Spain). She has collaborated with Antwerpen Symphony Orchestra and Brussels Philarmonic Orchestra.
Obtained her bachelor’s degree in 2010 in Salamanca Music Conservatory (Spain), followed a postgraduate course in Aragon Music Conservatory and later in Liceo Conservatory of Barcelona. Studied at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, finished her Bachelor’s in Art History at Salamanca’s University (Spain). Passionate about Early Music and ancient instruments she specialized in the baroque flute in Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels where she obtained the Master in Baroque Flute (2019).