Bárbara Ferraz

Professor of flute at Tchaikovsky Music School (Brussels). Master in Modern and Baroque Flute. Collaborates with La petite Bande, B’Rock Orchestra, L’Arpeggiata… Plays with Die Kölner Akademie and Collegium Vocale Gent Academy. Has been member of academies such as Ensemble Academy Freiburg (2018), the Ton Koopman Academy (2020) and Collegium Vocale Gent Academy (2020). Awarded with the first price on” […]

Benjamin Braude

Faculty member and assistant concertmaster at the Royal Flemish Conservatory of Antwerpen, artistic director of the chamber music festival „Rencontres musicales de Leotoing“ (France), assistant concertmaster of the Royal Flemish Philharmonie. Also teaches viola at London Royal College of Music. Has appeared in solo and chamber music recitals throughout Europe, Israel, and the USA, and has performed as a soloist […]

David Makhmudov

Professor of Violin at the Tchaikovsky School of Music in Brussels. Soloist within the Flanders Symphony Orchestra, with which he plays over 60 concerts annually in Belgium and throughout Europe. In 2019, he was invited to teach at the International Music Academy in Dinant and as a member of the jury for the Omartis International Arts Competition in Singapore. Performed […]

Zoya Nevgodovska

Professor of violin in Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. From 2006 is leading there a violin class for talented young violinists (Musikgymnasium C.Ph.E.Bach , Berlin). Is a Juri member of several international violin competitions for youth, founder and artistic director of Young Classic Dialog, Berlin (international Festival for talented young soloists) and Morawa music academy and Chambers Music […]

Tatiana Samouil

Professor of Violin at the Royal Conservatoire Brussels, as well as at the Musikene Superior Arts Center in San Sebastián, Spain. As a permanent member of Yuri Bashmet Academy, she gives masterclasses all over Europe. Performs with Yuri Bashmet and his ” Moscow Soloists” Orchestra , as well as ” Novaya Rossiya” Symphony, performed also in the Vatican Residence for […]

Lyudmyla Zakopets

From 1989 up till now Lyudmyla Zakopets has been working as a piano teacher in Lviv State Music Lyceum named after Solomiya Krushelnytska. She graduated Chernivtsi Music College in 1984 (class by Prasol M.I) and Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (class by prof.Vitte N.M.) in 1989 with honors. Lyudmyla Zakopets has been coordinator and professor of international piano forum […]

Tatiana Kozlova

Professor of piano at the Israeli Conservatory of Music in Tel–Aviv. Artistic director of “Stretto international piano competition” in Tel-Aviv. Previously artistic director of Scherzo international piano competition. Pianist and piano teacher, graduated from the Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music in Kiev, Ukraine (class of Aza Roshina). She constantly teaches around the globe in different master classes, frequently judging at  various […]

Yurii Kot

Honoured Artist of Ukraine, Professor of Piano at the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from the state P.I.Tchaikovsky Conservatory (now NMAU), class of Honoured Artists of Ukraine, Professor V.Kozlov. A laureate of numerous national and international piano and piano duets competitions. A jury member at many International Competitions, gives master-classes in Serbia, Japan and Ukraine. A laureate of National […]

Olga Zdorenko

Professor of the Conservatoire of Frosinone (Rome). Artistic director of the musical association “Angelica Costantiniana” at Rome. She won a lot of international contests such as “Carlo Zecchi” (Rome), “Classical Sanremo”, “Sulmona Award.” She won the constest “Walter Massaza” in Alessandria and she received the O.Messiaen special award. In 2000 she graduated with the highest grades at the National Academy […]

Yannick Van de Velde

Professor of piano performance Conservatory of Luxembourg and the Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt. International soloist. Is among the summit of the musical scene in Belgium and across Europe. Mr. Van de Velde is a prizewinner in many international competitions: he was finalist of the Busoni Competition in Bolzano, Italy (2015), “Prix d’Argent” and Public Prize in the Piano Campus Competition […]